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Welcome to the Recipient Program

Welcome! At Wigs For Kids, we know the effects of hair loss in children go deeper than just a change in their outward appearance. Our goal is to help restore your child’s self-confidence as quickly as we can. We are here for you and your child!

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What is Wigs For Kids?

Wigs For Kids provides hairpieces to children aged 18 years or younger who are experiencing hair loss due to medical reasons. The process for creating hairpieces made from human hair takes time, and the cost for producing one wig through the Wigs For Kids Recipient Program is $1,800. We provide our hairpieces free of charge to eligible recipients because we believe every child deserves the ability to look themself and live their life.

What is a ‘Hair Replacement System’?

Referred to as ‘hair replacement systems,’ each hairpiece is hand-tied and composed entirely from donated human hair. The Wigs For Kids ‘full cap’ solution is designed for complete hair loss. In cases where there is partial hair loss, an evaluation is needed to determine if our full cap solution will meet your child’s needs. We are here and ready to help.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.

Wigs For Kids hairpieces are created using donated human hair, which is not processed with dyes or other chemicals that alter the color or texture of the hair. We support the range of organic or natural colors provided through our donated hair inventory. Highlight, lowlights, ombre, and fashion hair colors are not available. Wigs For Kids offers hairpieces in 12” and 14” hair lengths.

We do not manufacture hairpieces. For more than 40 years, we have used multiple manufacturers to ensure that Wigs For Kids hairpieces are consistently produced and of the utmost quality possible. These manufacturers are based outside of the United States and this can, at times, result in delays of delivery.

What are the stages of the Recipient Program?

Our program has eight stages, which are completed in order. For example, Stage 2 cannot begin until Stage 1 is completed. The stages include:

  • Stage 1: Application Approval
  • Stage 2: Getting To Know You
  • Stage 3: Measurements
  • Stage 4: Order Processing
  • Stage 5: Delivery of Hairpiece
  • Stage 6: Fitting/Styling
  • Stage 7: Approval/Acceptance
  • Stage 8: Tell Us Your Story

We have created a detailed Program Checklist that is designed to help you complete our Recipient Program. If you have any questions as you work through the program, please contact us.

Let’s work as a team!

Wigs For Kids coordinates the Recipient Program nationally. We partner with a specially-trained network of Certified Service Providers who donate their time and talents to work with our recipient families and provide hair replacement systems—through a personal, positive experience—to children experiencing hair loss. You will use our locator tool to find a local stylist who will be your go-to in all matters related to the hairpiece, including measuring, fitting, and styling. For a successful outcome for each child, we ask recipient families to work with us as a team from start to finish.

How does Wigs For Kids afford this benefit to you?

Wigs For Kids is a private, non-profit organization. We receive no government funding for our operations and rely solely on support from generous companies, foundations, groups, and individuals like you. This funding also helps cover the expense of creating the hair replacement system as well as overall Wigs For Kids operations (products, services, and support). This is how we are able to provide complimentary hair replacement systems and change children’s lives.

Confidentiality, Privacy, and Security of Recipient Health Information

Wigs For Kids is committed to protecting the confidentiality, privacy, and security of your child’s health information. For this reason, we need the designated representative (parent/guardian) to complete and submit the online application, and to serve as the main point of contact for Wigs For Kids.

Continue Here for Eligibility Requirements

About Wigs For Kids

Wigs For Kids is a nonprofit organization that helps children experiencing hair loss stemming from chemotherapy, radiation therapy, alopecia, trichotillomania, burns, and other medical causes. Stylists and regular people just like you work together to give recipients the self-esteem and self-image they deserve.


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